Professional Development Series

Today’s business world operates in a fast-paced, competitive landscape with new technology, concepts, and ideas constantly emerging. In response to the rapidly evolving environment, Mercer University has developed a series of dynamic discussions with expert faculty and leaders on current business trends and topics. Discover relevant content for your professional pursuits and register for an upcoming webinar or view our previous webinars below.

For more information about Mercer’s Professional Development Series, contact Jeff Wolfe, Director of the Center for Executive Education, at 678.547.6405 or

Previous webinars

View previous discussions below on a variety of subjects including marketing, leadership, economics, innovation, privacy law, and more.

Economics and Epidemics: Lessons Learned

Digital Fitness: New ways of working and learning with PricewaterhouseCoopers

Job Market Trends: Approaching the New Normal

The Impact of COVID-19 on Local Businesses

Keep Calm: Harnessing the Power of Emotional Contagion

Privacy Law: Personal Data Protection in a Digital World

Education and Career Choice as Central Elements to Maximizing Wealth

Netnography 101: How to Spot Business Opportunities and Needs via Social Media