Faculty and Insights

Our faculty are highly-credentialed researchers, discoverers, creators, consultants, analysts, financial experts, entrepreneurs, innovators, marketers, accountants, authors, and thought-leaders. A strong dedication to academic and research passions in business disciplines is matched by a commitment to teach, inspire, mentor, and engage each student in their own path of scholarship, discovery, and professional development.
Meet the faculty
Meet our dedicated faculty and innovative educators who are committed to developing students into business leaders.
Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty
The Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty encourages a thorough discussion of the economic and moral foundations of capitalism through scholarly activities involving undergraduate students. The Center offers annual research grants to undergraduate students interested in doing research in areas related to political and economic liberty, organizes a guest speaker series bringing to campus renowned academics, practitioners and politicians from all over the world, and supports course developments in areas related to capitalism and economic freedom.
Professional Development Series
Through our Professional Development Webinar Series, expert Mercer faculty and industry leaders explore engaging, current business topics in a variety of areas. Get a glimpse of our faculty’s expertise among these dynamic discussions.