General Business

  • College

    School of Business

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Establish a solid foundation

Mercer’s General Business major equips students with the administrative, analytical, decision-making, communication, and computer skills needed to succeed in today’s business world. Through rigorous coursework and electives, students will supplement these skills with expertise across relevant fields of study. Studies will focus on broad business knowledge, technical expertise, and management skills required by the modern business environment.

Gain experience

During their time at Mercer, students will participate in a combination of academic courses and hands-on projects, which teaches a breadth of business disciplines and methodologies. The General Business curriculum can be customized to support specific career goals. A degree in General Business from Mercer will prepare students to succeed in their future careers in a variety of professional positions in the business workforce.

Launch your career

Individuals who successfully earn a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a General Business focus can go on to work as professionals in a variety of settings and organizations, positioning themselves as valuable team members who bring unique business insight and perspective to the workplace.

Learn more about our General Business major


Mercer undergraduate students may be eligible for special admission consideration for a graduate business program through the Special Consideration Program. Students can take advantage of waivers for both the GMAT requirement and the application fee, and enjoy additional benefits, including a Double Bear Scholarship toward earning their graduate business degree at Mercer. Learn More

Mercer attracts the type of student who is looking not just for a career, but to change the world. As cliche as it sounds, being around students and faculty who want to be world changers creates a unique infectious environment that I often miss.

Dr. Chris Kiker
BBA, '09 | MD, '17
Resident Physician, AnMed Health

Chris Kiker

Meet the Faculty

Mercer’s School of Business is supported by a talented group of faculty and staff who serve as mentors, coaches, teachers, and experts in their fields. They are committed to equipping the next generation of business leaders in the classroom and beyond.

Visit Mercer

Websites and brochures never tell the whole story. You can browse photos online, but it's the undeniable spirit of Bear Territory that captivates you when you visit Mercer.